General Principles of Human and Machine Learning (2024-25 Winter semester)
posted on May 19, 2024


Dr. Charley Wu (charley[dot]wu[at]uni-tuebingen[dot]de)

Teaching Assistant TBD

General Information

Location: TBD
Lecture: TBD
Tutorial: TBD
Office Hours: Charley (after the lecture)

Course description and prerequisites:

The goal of the course is to teach modern approaches to machine learning in parallel with the science of human learning. Theories of human learning have directly inspired algorithms for training artificial agents, while advances in AI have provided novel insights into the nature of human intelligence. Machine learning algorithms are increasingly reaching or exceeding human-level expertise. Yet, they can still be fooled by rather trivial tasks that any human could solve. How have these two fields separately approached the study of artificial and biological intelligence? What are general principles of learning that are shared across human and machine learners?

The course covers how both biological and artificial systems i) learn from experience (Reinforcement Learning), ii) learn about concepts and categories, and ii) learn functions and programs. Each week, there will be one lecture and one tutorial session. No prerequisites are required, but some basic familiarity with linear algebra and basic mathematical notation will be necessary.



Lecture: TBD
Tutorial: TBD

Note that readings are still subject to change

Date Remarks Readings Lecture Lecturer TA
Week 1:   Spicer & Sanborn (2019). What does the mind learn? Introduction Wu TBD
Week 2:   [1] Behaviorism [2] What is a perceptron? (Blog post) Origins of biological and artificial learning Wu TBD
Week 3:   Wikenheiser & Schoenbaum (2016) Symbolic AI and Cognitive maps Wu TBD
Week 4:   Dezfouli & Balleine (2012) Introduction to RL Wu TBD
Week 5:   Botvinick, Niv, & Barto (2009) Advances in RL Wu TBD
Week 6:   Murphy (2023) Concepts and Categories Wu TBD
Week 7:   Varma & Prasad Supervised and Unsupervised learning Wu TBD
Week 8:   Wu, Meder, & Schulz (in prep); sent via email Function learning Wu TBD
Week 9:   Botvinick et al., 2020 Common tools for understanding brains and neural networks Wu TBD
Week 10:   Landauer & Dumais (1997) Language and semantics Wu TBD
Week 11:   Gershman (2023) General Principles Wu Wu
Exam 1 TBD        
Exam 2 TBD